Tuesday, August 28, 2007

.a darkened heart

today I thought I would touch base with someone that I haven't heard from or spoken with in some time via an IM. When I clicked the profile a msg displayed... Love Wins. except in tennis, war, and divorce. knowing the personality behind it I knew there was a bit of spit behind it. I continued the chat for a bit and offered a link to the Love Wins msg that I would have hoped would offer some enlightenment as I'm fairly sure the 'sermon' he had not heard. this was all well and good and my spirit wasn't crushed by the by his simple playfulness at all ...until I did a search on youtube to my dismay of all the ridicule and mockery thrown in the direction of those making an effort to serve and to please the Saviour. my first reaction was wow... are you kidding me? how transparent of those to mock and frankly expose the colors of their heart. I cant claim to be surprise I suppose, it's become trendy to be a advocate for anything antiTruth yet as I read comment to posts cheering them on... it was hurtful. I'm struggling with this simply because the truth is undisputed and those that speak the truth should be honored and today I discovered a darkness where I believed the Light was shining and it is... I just felt shamed for my ignorance of this existing.
May God's love be eminent to those that so depraratly need it and may I be able to share the abundant amount that I am offered as imperfect as I am.

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Friday, March 30, 2007

.elure of the stream

.casting caution to the wind I've landed today to create my first post. my stream of thoughts that are probably none too original yet as I reel them in my hope is to thread together a compilation that defines who I've become and clearifies, if only for myself, where my bow is heading.

.God has gifted me so... a pause for contemplation and realization. even without consideration to material i'm beyond just blessed. at that realization my heart wants to give and to give is to love. without denial i am a product of my enviornment, mom, dad, both in there... as well as those that challenge me, love me, and inspire me. realizing this, I am a created. a created by a creator. I am a creative. designed for and by a creator. how miraculous He is. now -that- is profound. consider another created. make it simple. now make it live. make it breathe. what does it need? He gives it. over and over. He. gives. it.